
Poem of landscape.

Are You Fragmentary

---Poem by Lym
Under the sunset,
Under the sky,
At the world's edge,
Did you cry.
You pour the water
into the crack,
attempt to fill it,
but the water never back,
and you never succeed.
you will proceed to try.
But now,
You sleep under the ashy sky,
just a sleep,
just peace.

As I fly across your land,
like an eagle soaring,
you were aroused.
To brandish your spray,
to brandish your beauty.
When the wind visits you,
he carries the spray,
crash into my face,
to ask me for a cease.

As you are incomplete,
Although you are lonely,
You try to show me,
You are sturdy.

Under the sunset,
Under the sky,
At the world's edge,
You would not cry.


An Alliance with the Huron Empire.

1. What is an alliance? What does this word mean?

An alliance is a group of organizations or countries that have the similar situation or opinion, or that the countries or organizations that have a deep relationship and join together like a group. Alliance means that the different organizations or countries in this group will not fight, will not have a conflict.

2. Why would Champlain want to form an alliance with the Hurons?

Champlain form an alliance with the Hurons, I think that is because he want to make a friendly situation between them. If there's a alliance, Hurons will not make a conflict with French. That is useful for Champlain to do things here. And for Hurons, they will get the technology from French, they could gain more profits from them and that is good for the trade.They could gather to fight the other enemies. Alliance is worth for both.

3. This is a picture of Champlain and his Huron allies on the left fighting the Iroquois. This is one of the earliest images of Europeans and First Nations people interacting.

a. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences. Look carefully at the picture.

I see Champlain and his Huron allies gather to fight with Iroquois. By the alliance, Champlain and his Huron allies helped each other. The French have the developed weapons, that is usually useful for the conflict. And the French and the Hurons stand at different sides, that could scatter enemies' fire, so they could win.

b. Do you think this is a realistic image of the situation? Explain why or why not in 5-8 sentences.

I don't think that is a realistic image of the situation, but it might be similar. I think they could not stand that close. And I think the French of the centre might be not right. His weapon was a gun, he should hide somewhere or a little farther. I have seen a film of French conflict, they let other people stand before them. They are a bit foxy.

4. The Hurons had many economic advantages because of their geographic location and territory. They were located on the southern shore of Georgian Bay, where the fishing was excellent.

a. Find a map of Georgian Bay. Explain where this bay is.

The bay is a part of the second big lake---Lake Huron in Canada.

b. Translate the word bay.

Bay is the connecting part of lake or sea and the land.The depth from the sea to the land become shallow.

5 . Find a photograph of Georgian Bay that you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences.The vegetation of this region includes mixed forests, meadows, and fields. The sandy soil was perfect for planting corn, squash, pumpkins, and beans.
I love it because of the beautiful view under the sunset. The surface of the water just like a mirror. We can see the sky from the water. Without any pollution, without any man-made substance, it shows a natural view.

6. Take a look at this piece of Canadian Art called "Stormy Weather". The artist is Frederick Varlet. He illustrated the stormy weather of Georgian Bay.

a. How do you feel when you see this painting? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Tell me why you feel that way.

I feel the power and the unpeace, the view become different from the fine day. The water might crash the stone, the wind waves the plants. All the things become unpeaceful. I feel the tempestuous storm that could made a small disaster. The sky changed, the wind changed, the surface of the lake changed, so I can feel the power and the unpeace.

7. This is a poem by A.J.M Smith. It was put together with this image on a past provincial exam.

a. When you read this poem, how do you feel about the Canadian landscape? Explain in 10-12 sentences. Think deep and be creative.

Canadian landscape is really different from the others, there's full of natural feel. The stones over the land, the water, the animals, shows a dusky feeling.But I feel a fragment. A view of beauty, a feeling of loneliness. Just like the poem says:This is the beauty of strength broken by strength and still strong. It shows me a paradox,how does a strength broken by strength. The land stands here alone but shine his beauty to us.

8. What did you learn in this lesson? Explain in 5-8 sentences

I learned about the alliance between Huron and French. The French want to make a peace between them. And the Huron get the technology and goods from the French. I also learned the bays, and I make a sense of Georgian Bay, that's really a beautiful place to visit.



1. Find a map of the St. Lawrence River. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

The St. Lawrence River is South of Canada. The river is really long and thin. It is the boundary of Canada and America.We can see many famous provinces of Canada and America at the both sides of the river.

2. Find a photograph of the St. Lawrence River you like. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

The St. Lawrence River seems really Beautiful under the sunset. We can see the spacious water region. The afterglow of the sunset make the color of the river red. The wrinkled surface of the river seems peaceful. That a view of beauty.

3. Why did Champlain choose to use a river for transportation? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

The river is the boundary of Canada and near Quebec. New France was made in Quebec.The river is always peaceful, that was good for their safety. It is one of the longest river in the world, Champlain could went along it, and many harbors beside the river. It towards Lake Ontario and the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Find a picture of Champlain's habitation at Quebec. Explain what you see in 5-8 sentences.

This was gigantic habitation of Champlain.We can see many letters sign on the picture of different part of the house. There were two floors of this habitation. Beside the river, that might be good for going outside far away.

5. The fort was a natural fort because Quebec had towering cliffs.

a.Find a picture of towering cliffs in Quebec. Search in Google using "Quebec and towering cliffs".

b. Why are the cliffs a natural fort? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

This landforms is fit to be a fort.People could tower from the top of cliffs. When other come from outside, they could see them first and then prepare for resisting. The enemies could be surrounded when they arrive here.The cliffs are good for hidden and detecting.

6. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.

I learnt almost all the conditions for Champlain to found New France. The longest river for him to be the transportation. The cliffs, the natural fort for detecting. A gigantic habitation for him to live. That all the conditions helped him to find New France. I also learnt about the beauty of St. Lawrence River.


1. There is a moat around Champlain's habitation. Why is that important?

That could help him from being hit.

2. Can you find a picture of a moat? Post it.


Samuel De Champlain ..

1a. Find a picture of Samuel De Champlain.What does he look like?

He did look like a French, because I notice at his hair. The European in the old had different hair from the other people, but the French are also different from the other European.And the clothes he wore are also for French.He had taper eyebrows. His beard is really funny. His goatee is like a rope, it was tied a knot. How small his eyes are!...

1b. Who is he? What is his nationality? What is his background?
Samuel De Champlain was a French explorer who is important for Canadian history. As all the explorers, he was also a navigator. He was the man who found Quebec. He learned how to navigate ships, and became a naval captain when he was a young boy. His father was also a captain. The background of the world that time was the most important time of development for the world. The whole world began to explorer, and it was also the beginning of colonialism. The technology developed very faster that time and it was good for Samuel De Champlain to explore.

2. What is his relationship with Canada? Why is he important to Canada?

He explored many part of eastern Canada. He explored Canada four times. He made a very exact map of Canada from Hudson Bay in the north down to the Great Lakes. He found Quebec, the first perpetual white settlement in Canada, and also, Quebec become the oldest city. He was the explorer who spent most of his life in Canada. He found a quicker way to go to Canada and went to North America to teach them Christianity and mostly in Canada. His explorations were
all very important to Canada.

3. When did he explore? What was happening during history at this time?

He explored form 1603 until 1635.
For first exploration, he made a exact map of Canada from Hudson Bay in the north down to the Great Lakes.
For second exploration, he remained in North America and to find the place that french could make a permanent settlement.
For third exploration, he found Quebec and made it become the first perpetual white settlement in Canada.
For fourth exploration,he finally got a quicker way to the Pacific Ocean, and he got the whole map of North America.

4. Where did he explore? Find a map to help you answer this question. Post the map here and then explain.

He explored north east of North America. He set sail from France to Canada.Quebec there was the most important City that he had been in and he made it become a settlement in Canada. He also found a trading post along the St. Lawrence River and that was the beginning of fur-trading. His second trip was in Atlantic Ocean and he explored the Atlantic coast from the Bay of Fundy down to Cape Cod. When he arrived here, he got a conflict with the native people and killed two leaders of the native people, the conflict last about 100 years.

5. Why did he explore? What were his reasons for exploration?

He was sent by King Henri IV and set up trading posts.And his dream was to become a explorer like his father.He also made a map of North America.I think that is also the reason. One of the most important reason for him to set sail for North America was mostly to make settlements for France. The King Henri wanted to gain more land for France. Another reason for him was he wanted to discover a quicker way to the Pacific and Canada.That could help the European easier to go to North America for trading here.

6. How did he explore? What transportation methods did he use?

He explored by ship.The mammoth ship on this picture was the transportation of Samuel De Champlain. It was almost as large as the warship nowadays. The ship was supported by King Henri IV, he had learnt much about the methods of how to explore. The ship mostly used the manpower, sometimes, he sailed with the wind. The ship was too large and hard for them to control. They found the direction by compass, the sun and the the Polestar.


1. Can you find a statue or a monument of Samuel De Champlain?



1. What have you learned since September in Canadian Studies? (Or since you started to take the class)

I have learned too much, such the Fur Trade,Flat Earth, Explorations and the important Explorers of Canadian History.And also, I learned the team work by making the viking ship

and the puppet show.

2. What is the most memorable lesson you remember? (if you weren't here, maybe at another school)

The most memorable lesson is the lesson we made the viking ship. At that time, it was first for me to join Canadian Study. But even if I was a new student, I really enjoy the lessons. I do all the things with my partners. I think our team work was really good.That is the most memorable lesson for me.

3. Think about your life as a student here since September. Have you changed? How?

I think I have changed since I came to SBS. The first time I went to the class, I was a little shy. I don't know what to do and how to try to do the things that I want. But now, I know what to do , I could work much more harder even than now.I could talk with my classmates and teachers. I really become a member of the class.I'm not shy ,not nervous, not lazy, but that is not enough. Since I have changed, I'll be better.

4. What is your goal for yourself by June? What is your plan to study?
It might be a really good marks for my English 10 and Canadian study than I expect.

I could give myself a mark, that could be 6/10, so my goal for June might be 9/10.

I'll work harder. Do more things than teachers asked. I'll take the June Provinial Exam, so I need to review something for it myself.

5. What are you most proud of in school since September? Have you done your best?

1)What I most proud of is that I really did most things that teachers asked.

2)I think I didn't my best before, I didn't review my work, I was a little lazy, I can't get a good mark on my exam,but I try almost 85% now. So all will be better then.

1. Is there anything else you want to tell me or reflect about?

I think I have nothing else to say.But later there'll be some questions if I couldn't get a good mark with my hard work.


What You Think is What You See

1. If the maps around you showed the existence of the Northwest Passage, would you believe it? Why?
There should be different two different answers due to different maps.
1).If the map is an old map,I believe it. For an idiom--Seeing is believing, so I believe it. The old people drew the might have the reason.They won't just want to make a joke for us.
2).If it's a new map,I might not believe it.Because the map might be drawn by the person who want want others to believe us what he or she think.

2. If you were John Cabot and someone told you the Northwest Passage didn't exist. What would you say? What would you feel? How would you react?

I'll say I only believe the things that I have seen by my own.I'll feel that the man have the bias. And I'll try to find Northwest Passage to let human beings believe that there's Northwest Passage in the world.

3. Find a map by Humphrey Gilbert from 1582. What do you see in the picture? Explain.

I see the map of the old world and there's a land I haven't seen today.

The land is called Northwest Passage
which some people believe there it was.

4. Why did the Northwest Passage suit the goals (agenda) of the Eurpean explorers and monarchs?

Because Northwest Passage was good for their trade.It could give them a chance to develop their countries. They could go to other countries across the Northwest Passage, it would make it easier to do so many things for them.For technology, wealth and goods, that's a very good way for them.

5. Feedback loops help us to see reality as a system. Can you think of an example of a feedback loop from your own life? Look at page 225 of your textbook to help you.

For example, I wanted to surf on the internet so I want to have one computer before, and now I have one.

6. What did you learn so far about explorers and the colonization of Canada?

I have learnt that explorers of the old help the world develop faster and faster,It make the countries all over the world become a Big Village.


Flat Earth

For question 1.

In this picture, I can see the flat surface is sphered by the ball-like substance. Some people said that the photographic evidence from space is due to the ball-like substance. The substance cover the whole flat land. The sun and the moon are both covered too. And also why there's seas on the earth is also because of the blue substance.When persons arrived the rim of the circle and flat land, the just sail on the substance which other people called the sea. The ball-like substance is translucent so that people could see the planet in the space.

We can see this picture is very exaggerated. A mammoth turtle shouldering three elephants with a flat earth.That's the way how the author give people a deep impression. Some of the people who still believe that the earth is flat said there's no edge of the earth. I also could see the different part of the earth, such as the sea and the land. Some of the people also said that why people could met the same place if they go straight all the time is just a illusion. Persons never go one direction.

For question 2.

1.If the earth isn't flat, how could we stand on the earth, people said that is because of gravitation,but what is that?

2.If the earth isn't flat, the water could not hold on on the earth.

3.We can see the the Milky Way system is flat, the earth shoul be like the galaxies. The earth is the centre, and the sun and other things.

4.The horizon is straight in sight. Seeing is believing.

5.If the earth isn't flat, what about the ruler, how could it be a plane.

For question 3.
NO, I don't think. The seek of the earth and the universe will not be false even if human beings make some mistakes. The seek is just a process, no body know what is the world and what it is like, so anything is better than nothing. Technology nowdays is just to try to know more and more, further and further.



1. What is your puppet show about? (5-8 sentences)

Our puppet show shows about the history when Jacques Cartier set sail for North America. The whole process from the beginning just to the time when Jacques Cartier arrived Canada. It also shows that the things happened on the ship and things in Canada with the native people.

2. Who are the characters?Which student is the voice of the character?




3. What did you learn from making the puppet show? (3-5 sentences)

I learn about the history Cartier.But the most important thing that I learn from making the puppet show it the team work.Have a sense of team spirit in the work makes our team work better and better.

4. What do you want me to notice when I am marking your puppet show? (3-5 sentences)
To notice the funny way that we show the history. We make the actions of the characters a little bit funny. And I also want you to notice the details,such as the settings. And look at the first 30 seconds, Jason will make you laugh.

5. Did your group work well together? Tell me 3 reasons why or why not.
Of course.Because without team work, we could not finish it on time.We all think about the details together. Without team work, how could we film it.

Exploration Essay

Lym Wei

_____________Exploration is important for countries

___From 1500s until now, from the earth to the space, human beings have never stop exploring. In the 500 years, a lot of countries got a big progress. Some of them have become the most important countries all over the world , such as Britain, America and others.

___Exploration gave them the chance to develop them and it's important for disseminating cultures, goods trade and technologies. Exploration is important for disseminating cultures, which have the effects on people's mind. In 16th century, many explorers from Europe went to explore. Many places--which were unknown that time, were found time by time. The cultures of every country were taken to these places. And then, the cultures affected these places. The cultures which made these places better and better, as the languages, customs and the others, disseminated farther and farther, further and further. Their dissimilar cultures were associated together and could be complementary. So, the cultures got a very faster development by the exploration that time.

___In the old, goods trade could only be in a small area, but after the exploration, goods trade could became much more father. The explorers went to find the new ways to the other countries. That made people easily to exchange their goods, as the time became shorter, the risks became fewer. Such as fur trade in 17th, Canada was the fur trade centre. People from all over the world came to Canada to get the goods that they didn't have. These were all due to the exploration. The exploration opened up many new ways for goods trade. And then, goods trade could cover all over the world and until now.

___By the exploration, the world develops faster and faster in the elapsed centuries. The most important factor is technology. The technology changes the world and the exploration changes the technology. When the explorers went to other countries, they took an exchange with the native people. They saw the things that they hadn't seen and learned how to do or how to make it. When they got back, they could teach the other people. Soon, the technology became widespread. They exploration helped people to know and learn more, and then, develop their technology. They countries become better and they would be then. So, exploration is so important for technology.

___No matter why or when, exploration will not be done from now to the future. That's so important for countries. Without the exploration, the world would not develop so fast, as the exploration could improve the technology, cultures, wealth and others. Exploration makes the world better and better. So, exploration should always be held.


Exploration Essay.

From 1500s until now, from the earth to the space,human beings have never stop exploring. In the 500 years, a lot of countries got a big progress. Some of them have become the most important countries all over the world , such as Britain, America and others.Exploration gave them the chance to develop them and it's important for disseminating cultures, goods trade and technologies.

Exploration is important for disseminating cultures,which have the effects on people's mind.In 16th century,many explorers from Europe went to explore. Many place--which were unknown that time, were found time by time. The cultures of every country were taken to these places.And then, the cultures affected these places. The cultures which made these places better and better, as the languages, customs and the others, disseminated farther and farther, further and further.Their dissimilar cultures were associated together and could be complementary. So,the cultures got a very faster development by the exploration that time.

In the old, goods trade could only be in a small area, but after the exploration, goods trade could became much more father. The explorers went to find the new ways to the other countries.That made people easily to exchange their goods, as the time became shorter, the risks became fewer.Such as fur trade in 17th,Canada was the fur trade centre. People from all over the world came to Canada to get the goods that they didn't have.That were all due to the exploration.The exploration opened up many new ways for goods trade.And then, goods trade could cover all over the world and until now.

By the exploration, the world develops faster and faster in the elapsed centuries.The most important factor is technology.The technology changes the world and the exploration changes the technology.When the explorers went to other countries, they took an exchange with the native people.They saw the things that they hadn't seen and learned how to do or how to made it.When they got back, they could taught the other people.Soon,the technology became widespread.They exploration helped people to know and learn more, and then, develop their technology.They countries become better and they would be then.So, exploration is so important for technology.

No matter why or when, exploration will not be done from now to the future.That's so important for countries.Without the exploration, the world would not develop so fast, as the exploration could improve the technologies , cultures, wealth and others. Exploration makes the world better and better. So, exploration should always be held.



This is the picture of Zheng he who went across the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean. That was the exploration of Ming China. It is one of the most important and oraginal explorations.This exploration is important for the exchange.It found the new way for China to go to the western countries. This exchange could help countries that time got things the don;t have.And it also can help them know what they don't know.

It is the picture of Zhang qian-an explorer of Han China. This person found the Silk Way to other countries. It helped China to vend the silk and ceramics. It made a very important development for China. This exploration help China to easily vend or exchange things. Without this exploration, Han China could not know technology of others.

This is the exploration of Columbus.
He was supported by Isabel I la of Spain.He went across Atlantic Ocean for four times. And he also got the New World-America.Why is it important is because that he got the way to North America which was unknown. That helped the countries to discover something different. It's also the beginning of the exploration. It is important for trade, exchange and civilization of different countries.


About the exam

When we take the exam ,what should we take for the exam?
What is worth doing in the exam?(or before the exam)
The questions are not very difficult,but the story and the poem are a little difficult to understand.Some of the questions can be answer without understanding.The writing test is hard to work on it.Try the best is the best way to do.


Fur Trade.

In this picture,I see two elk heads and two beaver skins.
These were going to be the goods of fur trade. I also get the information that these are presented to Queen Elizabeth II as rent. These things looks so expensive. At that time ,ordinary people might not afford it.


It's the map of the areas where fur trade in. I can see the main map of Canada. That shows that fur trade is very important for Canadian History. It might be a 17th century's map of fur trade. Canada might be the centre of fur trade.


We can see a lovely animal. It's a kind of Muridae in Canada. But it's very different from a rat,it could live in water. And even can swim faster than fish.It's also a bit lovely,but it would be killed for fur trade. That's what I don't want.


We can notice that there are two group of people. The group beside the river might be the vendees. Another group are the original inhabitants. The vendors had a lot of goods. They were going to sale vend their fur. It might be the outset of fur trade.

We can see some words in this picture"Fur Traders going down the River Sask . Prince Albert Sask. 1905 ". Almost all the ways of fur trade for the fur traders are by ship. The ship were not big enough, but these group of ship together could be bigger enough. They bought the goods from here and then take to other places which are far away from here to sell.



Things about this week

This week I have learnt about Cabot and Cartier.They are both have the effect on Canada's history.How to write a literary essay is the most important part of this week.I think I didn't study very well this week.I'm not active in the class.But I am going to get along with my classmates now.

I have visited a lot of places of interest.For example,The tanzhe temple,The grave of Princess and The moon altar.All of these place are very beautiful.My favourite place is the tanzhe temple.It was the earlist temple in beijing.It was built even when there's no beijing.

I went shopping this week.I went to Jinyuan Shoppingmall.It is the biggest shoppingmall in asia.I saw a lot of things that I wanted to buy but I didn't.Why?Because I didn't have enough money.

That's what I did this week.

Literary Essay

It is known to all that there are two kind of people,not man and woman,but coward and hero. Most of people want to be a hero,so people should know the most important quality is to be brave. In both "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight" and "The Sniper",the main characters show us how brave they are and how they could be a hero in one's mind.

In the story "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight", Sir Gawain is the bravest character who show us his bravery and kept a promise. He wasn't afraid of Green Knight and he protected King Arthur. As an example,"Sir Gawain smiled"after the Green Knight told him what he should do a year later. Sir Gawain thought that day would never come, that shows how confident he was. Sir Gawain also should be brave to show his calmness. He didn't feel scared but smiled instead. Everyone would know how dangerous the situation he was asked to do. Sir Gawain promised seemed nothing would happen. Sir Gawain was brave enough to be a knight. For this reason,he might be the bravest knight. Sir Gawain also kept the promise until the end. No matter what happened, he never broke it. For example, "Sir Gawain didn't try to move away"when the axe was thrown to him. He might have the time to move, but he didn't. He just stayed there and kept his word. If he moved, that would make things what he had done become nothing. So, even the axe was in the face of him, he didn't move. Sir Gawain is brave and intellectual enough to be a good knight. To summarize, Sir Gawain faced danger and kept promise what others might do, so Sir Gawain is the one of the bravest man.

In the story"The Sniper", the main character—the sniper who shows the readers how brave and prudent he is might be a hero. For example,"He wanted to fire, but he knew it was useless."when the enemy's car appeared. The siper must have thought a lot before he wanted to shot his enemy. If he shot his enemies,that might expose his position. After waiting untill finding the chance to kill his enemies, he immediately shoot.That's why he is so prudent.The sniper also wasn't afraid with his enemy.For example, "The siper lay still for a long time nursing his wounded arm and planning escape"after his arm was shoot.The sniper didn't escape at once but thought of a plan.He used his wisdom to deceive his enemy. The sniper wasn't in confusion after he was shoot and try to kill his enemy.That's shows his bravery.As an peroration,the sniper is also faced danger.He was so prudent when he was in danger.The sniper was also bravery enough to be one's hero.

Heros are the people who we adore very much.These people should have there special qualities such as brave,patriotic or fearless. Sir Gawain and the sniper both are brave enough to be a hero in people's mind.


Jacques Cartier

For question 1

For question 2
1.Jacques Cartier was born in 1491 in Saint-Malo
2.Jacques Cartier was introduced to King Francis I by Jean le Veneur in 1532.
3.Jacques Cartier set sail to discover a western passage to the wealthy markets of Asia in 1534.
4.Jacques Cartier explored parts of Newfoundland.
5.Jacques Cartier's first encounter with aboriginal peoples in Canada.
6.Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier set sail for a second voyage on May 19,1535
7.Jacques Cartier was the first to document the name Canada to designate the territory on the shores of the St-Lawrence River.
8.Jacques Cartier was one of the first formally acknowledge.
9.Jacques Cartier named "Canadiens" the inhabitants he had seen there.
10.Jacques Cartier died aged 65 on September 1st, in 1557.

For question 3

Jacques Cartier opened Canada to the world especially for European

For question 4
Jacques Cartier was sent to Canada by the French King in 1534 to look for a passage around North America to East Asia, as some people had done already.

For question 5

Jacques Cartier sailed over the Atlantic Ocean to Canada. He sailed along the east shores of Canada. He sailed over St.Lawrence River and went to Quebec and Montreal. He headed towards France, passing the shores of Nova Scotia and St.Pierre Islands.

For question 6
I would thought that why the Europeans are here.Why they are going here?they come here for what?And how do they come here. No matter what they want,I want them to leave my home and warn him not to do anything or hurt anything.I would say"Get out of here.It's not the place you should be in."But if they are kind,maybe I would let them to go my home for a stay.

For question 7

Jacques Cartier traded goods with the native people. The Europeans gave out iron goods for animal fur. Jacques Cartier took two of the native Chief, Donnaconna's sons back to Europe with him. Donnaconna was not very satisfied with that. When Jacques Cartier left, he put a cross that claimed Canada to France on the seashore. This provoked Donnaconna because he thinks they should have asked for his permission. When Donnaconna's two sons came back with Jacques Cartier, Donnaconna firmly decided not to help the European explorers after hearing his two sons describe their seeings in Europe.

b.Jacques Cartier returned to Canada but his team members were seriously ill. The harsh climate and illness took away all the strength. When Jacques Cartier headed for France again, he tricked Donnaconna and his two sons onto his ship. He promised Donnaconna that he's going to send him home after some time, but Donnaconna never had the chance to go back home. He died in France after living there for four years.

For question 8

Scurvy is a kind of disease caused by a lack of fresh fruits or vegetables.

For question 9
Jacques Cartier brought Donnaconna back to France by tricking him went to Europe with Jacques Cartier. He hoped to go back to his native land after a few days' time, just like what Jacques Cartier had promised. Eventually, he never had the chance to go back to Canada again. After living in France for four years, Donnaconna died in France. The poor man never saw his land again.
For question 10
If I were Donnaconna,I would not be friend with French.Because they were so rude.They harmed me and invaded my home.We all lived peacefully before they came.But after their coming,all of these change.I've never forgotten what they did for me and my homeland.
For question 11
archipelago 群岛 In the old times, a lot of people thought of North America as a archipelago of islands.
scurvy 坏血病 In Jacques Cartier's crew, a lot of people died of scurvy.
immunity 免疫力 The Iroquois had no immunity to some of the diseases in Europe.
pyrites 硫化铁矿类 Iron pyrites are common minerals that are worthless.
treachery 背叛 The Iroquois were disgusted by French treachery.


John Cabot

For question 1:

John looks not very handsome.

He has a long bear and big nose.

He was talking with the members

of his team.

For question 2:

1. John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer.

2.John Cabot was born in 1450,and died in 1498.

3.John Cabot was the first European to discover North America.

4.In 1490 John Cabot moved to Spain.

5.In 1498 he led a new expedition with five vessels,John's ship damaged after storm and he disappeared.

6.His first exploration landed on Nova Scotia,Canada.

7.His second exploration landed on Maryland,America.

8.He went across the Atlantic Ocean.

9.He was asked to find the new land by the king of British Called Henry

10.He'd ever considered that Canada was Aisa.

For question 3

Why is he important to Canadian history is because he was the first European to find Canada.

For question 4

Why did he leave Europe was because he didn't finish his mission,he didn't find Asia.The king of British need a explorer for their own country and Cabot wanted to go.

For question 5

John disappeared after his ships was damaged by a storm.

For question 6

The Matthew looks like a slippers


My favourite viking ship

My favourite viking ship
This ship called Barken Viking Ship.Why do I like this ship
is because it is more modern than the others.It is very a large and aggressive ship. It can travel for a long distance.Maybe it's not for vikings,but it shows many things about vikings' history inside it.It looks so beautiful!!