
Samuel De Champlain ..

1a. Find a picture of Samuel De Champlain.What does he look like?

He did look like a French, because I notice at his hair. The European in the old had different hair from the other people, but the French are also different from the other European.And the clothes he wore are also for French.He had taper eyebrows. His beard is really funny. His goatee is like a rope, it was tied a knot. How small his eyes are!...

1b. Who is he? What is his nationality? What is his background?
Samuel De Champlain was a French explorer who is important for Canadian history. As all the explorers, he was also a navigator. He was the man who found Quebec. He learned how to navigate ships, and became a naval captain when he was a young boy. His father was also a captain. The background of the world that time was the most important time of development for the world. The whole world began to explorer, and it was also the beginning of colonialism. The technology developed very faster that time and it was good for Samuel De Champlain to explore.

2. What is his relationship with Canada? Why is he important to Canada?

He explored many part of eastern Canada. He explored Canada four times. He made a very exact map of Canada from Hudson Bay in the north down to the Great Lakes. He found Quebec, the first perpetual white settlement in Canada, and also, Quebec become the oldest city. He was the explorer who spent most of his life in Canada. He found a quicker way to go to Canada and went to North America to teach them Christianity and mostly in Canada. His explorations were
all very important to Canada.

3. When did he explore? What was happening during history at this time?

He explored form 1603 until 1635.
For first exploration, he made a exact map of Canada from Hudson Bay in the north down to the Great Lakes.
For second exploration, he remained in North America and to find the place that french could make a permanent settlement.
For third exploration, he found Quebec and made it become the first perpetual white settlement in Canada.
For fourth exploration,he finally got a quicker way to the Pacific Ocean, and he got the whole map of North America.

4. Where did he explore? Find a map to help you answer this question. Post the map here and then explain.

He explored north east of North America. He set sail from France to Canada.Quebec there was the most important City that he had been in and he made it become a settlement in Canada. He also found a trading post along the St. Lawrence River and that was the beginning of fur-trading. His second trip was in Atlantic Ocean and he explored the Atlantic coast from the Bay of Fundy down to Cape Cod. When he arrived here, he got a conflict with the native people and killed two leaders of the native people, the conflict last about 100 years.

5. Why did he explore? What were his reasons for exploration?

He was sent by King Henri IV and set up trading posts.And his dream was to become a explorer like his father.He also made a map of North America.I think that is also the reason. One of the most important reason for him to set sail for North America was mostly to make settlements for France. The King Henri wanted to gain more land for France. Another reason for him was he wanted to discover a quicker way to the Pacific and Canada.That could help the European easier to go to North America for trading here.

6. How did he explore? What transportation methods did he use?

He explored by ship.The mammoth ship on this picture was the transportation of Samuel De Champlain. It was almost as large as the warship nowadays. The ship was supported by King Henri IV, he had learnt much about the methods of how to explore. The ship mostly used the manpower, sometimes, he sailed with the wind. The ship was too large and hard for them to control. They found the direction by compass, the sun and the the Polestar.


1. Can you find a statue or a monument of Samuel De Champlain?



1. What have you learned since September in Canadian Studies? (Or since you started to take the class)

I have learned too much, such the Fur Trade,Flat Earth, Explorations and the important Explorers of Canadian History.And also, I learned the team work by making the viking ship

and the puppet show.

2. What is the most memorable lesson you remember? (if you weren't here, maybe at another school)

The most memorable lesson is the lesson we made the viking ship. At that time, it was first for me to join Canadian Study. But even if I was a new student, I really enjoy the lessons. I do all the things with my partners. I think our team work was really good.That is the most memorable lesson for me.

3. Think about your life as a student here since September. Have you changed? How?

I think I have changed since I came to SBS. The first time I went to the class, I was a little shy. I don't know what to do and how to try to do the things that I want. But now, I know what to do , I could work much more harder even than now.I could talk with my classmates and teachers. I really become a member of the class.I'm not shy ,not nervous, not lazy, but that is not enough. Since I have changed, I'll be better.

4. What is your goal for yourself by June? What is your plan to study?
It might be a really good marks for my English 10 and Canadian study than I expect.

I could give myself a mark, that could be 6/10, so my goal for June might be 9/10.

I'll work harder. Do more things than teachers asked. I'll take the June Provinial Exam, so I need to review something for it myself.

5. What are you most proud of in school since September? Have you done your best?

1)What I most proud of is that I really did most things that teachers asked.

2)I think I didn't my best before, I didn't review my work, I was a little lazy, I can't get a good mark on my exam,but I try almost 85% now. So all will be better then.

1. Is there anything else you want to tell me or reflect about?

I think I have nothing else to say.But later there'll be some questions if I couldn't get a good mark with my hard work.