

1. What have you learned since September in Canadian Studies? (Or since you started to take the class)

I have learned too much, such the Fur Trade,Flat Earth, Explorations and the important Explorers of Canadian History.And also, I learned the team work by making the viking ship

and the puppet show.

2. What is the most memorable lesson you remember? (if you weren't here, maybe at another school)

The most memorable lesson is the lesson we made the viking ship. At that time, it was first for me to join Canadian Study. But even if I was a new student, I really enjoy the lessons. I do all the things with my partners. I think our team work was really good.That is the most memorable lesson for me.

3. Think about your life as a student here since September. Have you changed? How?

I think I have changed since I came to SBS. The first time I went to the class, I was a little shy. I don't know what to do and how to try to do the things that I want. But now, I know what to do , I could work much more harder even than now.I could talk with my classmates and teachers. I really become a member of the class.I'm not shy ,not nervous, not lazy, but that is not enough. Since I have changed, I'll be better.

4. What is your goal for yourself by June? What is your plan to study?
It might be a really good marks for my English 10 and Canadian study than I expect.

I could give myself a mark, that could be 6/10, so my goal for June might be 9/10.

I'll work harder. Do more things than teachers asked. I'll take the June Provinial Exam, so I need to review something for it myself.

5. What are you most proud of in school since September? Have you done your best?

1)What I most proud of is that I really did most things that teachers asked.

2)I think I didn't my best before, I didn't review my work, I was a little lazy, I can't get a good mark on my exam,but I try almost 85% now. So all will be better then.

1. Is there anything else you want to tell me or reflect about?

I think I have nothing else to say.But later there'll be some questions if I couldn't get a good mark with my hard work.

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  1. Remember to have five or more sentences for each question. The more you write, the more you reflect.
